October 1, 2020
In May, legislation requiring school districts across the
state to provide emergency medical services at athletic events and school
activities was signed into law by Governor Ke...
September 24, 2020
Marietta’s Indians and Lady Indians competed in the Oklahoma
Runner Classic on Saturday, September 19 in Norman. The Classic fields elite
cross country programs from across the ...
September 24, 2020
Steady growth is something that schools desire. With funding
based on enrollment, slowly growing numbers allow for schools to provide
necessary services, hire teachers, and ...
September 14, 2020
There may be a time when you need to pick-up your
primary/elementary student from school early for dentist appointments or other
events. In the past, parents were
required to...
September 3, 2020
Wasting no time after the beginning of the school year, students
in Chris Dobbins’s STEM classes began their year by jumping right into the
engineering design process. Less ...
September 3, 2020
After several successful, often state championship-winning
seasons, this year Marietta welcomed a new cross country coach, Ron Love. The
good news: Coach Love is no stranger to ...
September 3, 2020
Marietta Public Schools is very excited to announce that beginning Tuesday, September 8, ALL students will be provided FREE breakfast and lunch. Special Announcement
August 27, 2020
Students at Marietta Public
Schools have been the recipients of over 150 masks, made by hand and with love by Carol Harris.
Harris, who’s 73 years young, has ...
August 27, 2020
Over 1,100
students enrolled in Marietta Public Schools to begin the 2021 school year. Some
of those students walk, some drive, and some are delivered by parents, but a
August 27, 2020
Administrators and staff members at Marietta knew this year would be a challenging one. Having never planned around a pandemic before, getting ready for the return to in-‐pe...
August 26, 2020
Chickasaw Packed Promise Flyer Chickasaw students are being offered Packed Promise for the 2020-2021 school year. Click on the link above for more details.
August 13, 2020
back to school is always hectic and stressful for teachers, staff and
administrators. But it’s never been so more than it is this year.
several county sc...
August 13, 2020
order to promote better traffic flow and streamline the drop-off and pick-up
process at Marietta Public Schools, administrators have announced some changes
to the procedures...
August 13, 2020
Teachers from Marietta High School met on Monday for
in-service training. Much of Monday’s meeting was dedicated to discussing the
school’s plan for COVID-19 response.
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
Good afternoon Marietta Family!
This is the week we’ve all been waiting so long for--- it’s time for back to school! Our teachers and staff returne...
August 6, 2020
At their regularly
scheduled August board meeting on Monday night, the Board of Education for
Marietta Public Schools approved a re-entry plan. The plan, developed by
August 6, 2020
Marietta School Board President Frank Lornes, left,
administers the oath of office to new board member Jon Willis at the regular
meeting held on Monday, August 4. Masks and ...
August 4, 2020
Thank you for watching our summary video featuring Superintendent, Brandi Naylor.
Please click on the following link to access the full re-entry plan for the 2020-21 school ...
July 16, 2020
team comprised of parents, department chairs and grade-level lead teachers,
counselors, cafeteria staff members, administrators and officials from the
District Health Dep...
July 9, 2020
June 30 was an exciting day for Marietta Public Schools. After receiving the
final inspection approval from the state Fire Marshal, the school was able to
take the key...