Marietta high school students who are planning on taking concurrent classes through Murray State, applications must be turned in to the high school office no later than Monday, August 15. Concurrent classes through Murray begin August 15th.
over 2 years ago, Adam Sherfield
With the change to our busing schedule, to include the area from the school north to main street, all bus routes have been updated. Be sure and review the link to verify your bus number. Also, if you have a primary or elementary student you may confirm bus numbers with your teachers during Meet the Teacher, Wednesday, August 17, from 1-3 p.m.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
If you are a new student in the Marietta school district now is the time to reach out to the appropriate building site secretary to enroll for the 2022-23 school year. You can reach the secretary to schedule an appointment by calling 580-276-9444 and follow the voice prompts. Primary - PK through 2nd Elementary - 3rd - 5th Middle School - 6th - 8th High School - 9th - 12th
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Car/pick-up tags for primary and elementary students will be passed out on Wednesday, August 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the primary building.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Marietta Public Schools has combined all student handbooks into one handbook for all grades. We hope this makes it easier for parents to locate needed information in not having to search multiple locations. The handbook, in both English and Spanish, is available on our website,, under the Parent/Student Tab.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Middle School Parents/Students are welcome to pick up schedules and tour the building on Wednesday, August 17 from 12:00-3:00. We look forward to seeing you!!!
over 2 years ago, Carrie Tucker
7th grade students - you must get your T-DAP shot before school starts on August 18. Please make sure you make arrangements to get this done. If you have questions, call the Middle School office at 580-276-3886.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Tucker
Do you like to print out the athletic schedule and hang on your refrigerator? Or maybe pass along to a grandparent? We have made that super easy for you. Simply go to our web-site, and choose the Athletic tab at the top and then look for the link Athletic Calendars. Also, if you have downloaded our Marietta Public School app on your phone we list all our athletic events there and you can simply go to the date, click on the event you are interested in and a new button will appear for you to add to your personal calendar.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Meet the Teacher for Primary and Elementary students will be Wednesday, August 17 from 1-3 p.m. We look forward to seeing all our students!
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Enrollment deadline for returning students is this Friday, August 5. If you have not completed online enrollment please do so now.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Student Parking Information for Students, Parents and Guardians. The staff at Marietta high school hope you have had a wonderful and relaxing summer. However, it is nearing time for us to start school. Starting on Monday August 8 through Friday August 12th we will be selling student parking stickers at the High school from 9-2:30. During this time the Cost will be $5.00. You must have the vehicle that you are placing the sticker on present with you when you purchase the sticker. Also, present a valid driver’s license, insurance and registration. Any sticker purchased after the 12th will be subject to the same criteria, but the cost will be $10.00. Thanks for your immediate attention to this.
over 2 years ago, Adam Sherfield
Marietta high school parents and students, as we bring the summer to a close and we begin a new school year, I wanted to inform each of you of our new off campus lunch policy. Starting on the first day of classes 8-18-22, only juniors and seniors will be allowed to leave campus for lunch. ALL FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORES WILL EAT ON CAMPUS, UNLESS CHECKED OUT BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN. Freshman/sophomore students ARE NOT permitted to walk home for lunch, no matter how close they live to the school. If a parent or guardian is going to take their student to lunch, the student must be signed out by the parent/guardian in the office, in person. No phone calls will be accepted. Freshman/sophomore students will not be allowed to leave campus for lunch with anyone other than who is on their parent/guardian list. MARIETTA HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE First Period 8:00 – 8:45 Second Period 8:50 – 9:35 Third Period 9:40 – 10:25 Fourth Period 10:30 – 11:15 Fifth Period 11:15 – 12:00 A-Lunch 11th/12th and J. High 12:05-12:40 Sixth Period (B) 12:10 – 12:55 B- Lunch 9th/10th - 12:55 - 1:30 Sixth Period (A) 12:45 - 1:30 Seventh Period 1:35 – 2:20 Eighth Period 2:25 - 3:10
over 2 years ago, Adam Sherfield
Enrollment remains open for our 2022-23 school year, If you have not completed enrollment please do so at this time. The first day of school is August 18. We have noticed several parents skipping the documents tab and submitting enrollment. Your student will not be enrolled without all the appropriate documents completed.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Are you in 3rd-12th grade? Then you can enroll in 4-H. 4-H enrollment starts today and if you enroll now and until September 30th your enrollment fee will be only $10 must be paid online. Enrollment after Sept. 30th will go back to $20. Everyone that was enrolled last year will be able to log back in using last years username & password. DO NOT create a new household/member account if you are already in the system. If you can't remember the password call 276-3385 and we can get it figured out. Enrollment online at
over 2 years ago, Adam Sherfield
The free and reduced cafeteria application is now available on Wengage. You will access by logging into your parent portal (just like you do when enrolling your students) and utilizing the tab Lunchroom Application. If you have previously enrolled but want to verify eligibility for these services please return to Wengage and complete the application. If you have any questions you may contact Wendy Birks by calling 580-276-9444 x 234.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
OPAA is hiring right now for the school year for Marietta Cafeteria. Explore Opaa!'s career opportunities at to join our family! Scan the image to go directly to the job opportunities.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Chris Dobbins, STEM Instructor, recently shared this aerial photo of the construction progress for our new Middle/High School building.
over 2 years ago, Marietta Public Schools
Dobbins aerial
Marietta schools students and parents. If you ordered a 2021-2022 Marietta yearbook, we will be handing them once again on Tuesday, July 26th from 1:00-4:00pm at Marietta high school.
over 2 years ago, Adam Sherfield
Marietta 2021-2022 Yearbook
Marietta schools parents and students, if you ordered a yearbook this year, they will be distributed Thursday, July 21st from 9:00am-12:00pm at the high school.
over 2 years ago, Adam Sherfield
Marietta high school 2022 graduates, you can now pick up your diplomas from the high school office. If you owe fees, or have not turned school equipment, your diploma will be held until all fees are paid. If you have any questions, call the high school at 580-276-3204
over 2 years ago, Adam Sherfield