Concrete was poured this morning on the east side of the Middle School. West side will be poured next. Great things happening at the Middle School

Tomorrow, August 27, Little Indians CC meet starts at 5:30 p.m. at Legacy Park north of the Marietta hospital. No after school practice. Parents are responsible to drive student to the meet. Cost is $5. Registration form on Marietta Indians Cross Country Facebook page.

Marietta Ag Mechanics are in the barn!! Love county fair this Friday and Saturday at the fairgrounds. Come out and see our students hard work on display. #okffa #ffaagmechanics

Marietta Ag Mechanics are in the barn!! Love county fair this Friday and Saturday at the fairgrounds. Come out and see our students hard work on display. #okffa #ffaagmechanics

Our Parent Pick-up Line Crew has some new gear! Thank you to all the parents for your patience as we worked through those first of the year bumps. Our pick-up line is zipping right along now!

More progress on our bleacher project—The press box was lifted on the bleacher platform this morning.

Parents of 3rd-5th grade students, please join us tomorrow night for Parent University and Title One meeting. All parents will meet in the school library at 5:00 p.m. for title one meeting. Then join classroom teachers to hear about this year's classroom expectations.

Our goal is to dismiss primary/elementary students as safely and quickly as possible. It goes much smoother when we have one group of students dismissed at a time. Therefore, the parent walk ups will be released after the students are loaded into the cars.

It’s almost here! Tomorrow is the big day!! The teachers & staff have been working hard to get everything ready. Thank you to our Marietta parents for sharing your most prized possessions with us & know we love them, too, and can’t wait to get the best school year ever started tomorrow at 8:00 am!

Thank you Middle School parents. We had an awesome turnout for “Meet your Teacher”!!!! 149 students came and met teachers, decorated lockers and familiarized themselves with classes. We can’t wait to see you Thursday morning.

Staff participated in a challenging scavenger hunt this morning that them running all over campus & the town. Great team building experience.

More winners from today’s staff scavenger hunt.

Having some fun today at Teacher Inservice. Administrators are showing that you have to be okay with being vulnerable to become courageous! Here's a link to the hilarious video: https://youtu.be/wAcGzoBt2_Q

Less than a week away our campuses will be filled with students and another school year gets started. Be one step ahead with our new app available to Android and Apple users. Watch this video for the scoop! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D91wj9rM-ok&feature=youtu.be

Work began on two facilities at Marietta Public Schools last week, a locker room and hitting facility for the softball field, and the site pictured above, to the north of the cafeteria.
This site will be the new home for a 5,245-square-foot building that will house STEM classrooms and labs in half of the building and administrative offices in the other half. The Tri-County Special Education Co-op will move into the current administration facility when the new one is finished. Projected completion date is early 2020, pending no unforeseen construction delays. While the softball complex will be funded from proceeds of a bond passed last summer, the STEM/Admin building will be funded from the district's building fund.

Marietta Middle School will host Meet Your Teacher Wednesday, August 14 from 1:00 - 3:00. Come to the Middle School and pick up your schedule, locker assignment and meet your teachers. We are excited to see you!!!

SENIORS: If you have not yet received your letter containing an appointment time for Senior Portraits, please email lramon@mariettaisd.org and she will be happy to assist you with your scheduling.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at enrollment from Noon to 7:00 pm. Remember to bring parent ID and a proof of residence. Approved proof of residence includes: water/gas/electric bill, ad valorem bill, current/rental lease, income tax return, or mortgage statement.

Marietta Primary & Elementary will host Meet the Teacher on August 14 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come check out your child's new classroom and for those new students you may take a quick tour of the building. Looking forward to a new year.

NOTICE: For those parents that have already filled out the enrollment forms available online, a new form was added yesterday that you will need to include. The OSIIS Authorization for Health Information has now been added so be sure and complete/print and bring with you Thursday.