Josey Good, the high school assistant principal, showing spirit at Meet the Indians event on Friday.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
Looking forward to our first Virtual day today. Please "attend class" and complete all assignments. Teachers are here to help.
over 1 year ago, Dana McMillin
Students learning the ins and outs of computers in E-sports class.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
Some of our Kindergarten students having fun with clay in Art Class today!
over 1 year ago, Ann Rutledge
6th grade choir students learning about snakes, respect and leadership - a very special guest appeared to help with the lesson!!
over 1 year ago, Carrie Tucker
Marietta FCCLA Officer attended FCCLA LEAD Conference today in McAlester.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
We're starting Positive Thought Thursday in Primary School! :See below... :)
over 1 year ago, Ann Rutledge
Primary Parents-Don't forget! Class shirt order forms and money are due tomorrow (Wednesday, September 13)!
over 1 year ago, Ann Rutledge
Please don't miss the JOM (Native American Program) meeting scheduled for this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in the Middle School Library. Parent attendance is critical for continued funding.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
Goodies with Grandparents, at the Elementary, was a success! Thank you for coming.
over 1 year ago, Dana McMillin
Tonight 9/8/23 Home High School Football Game vs Ringling Kickoff @ 7:00 pm *The game will live stream @
over 1 year ago, Alex Doby
Congratulations to the Middle School August Students of the Month. 8th grade Ian Deahoyas, Janelly Barrientos, 7th grade Bella Whitfield, Alex Perez and 6th grade Josi Evans and Akzel Fernandez. Congratulations
over 1 year ago, Carrie Tucker
Student body officers Emily Faulkenberry, Miranda Durcharme and Melanie Ortiz and High School Principal Mr. Oakley show school spirit with the dress-up day of Hawaiian theme for tonight's first home football game. Kick-off is at 7:00 p.m. at McClain Stadium.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
Game day
Mrs. Manley's class learning about crash zones to protect an egg in Engineering Design Processes.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
Please don't forget our important JOM meeting Monday evening at 4:15 p.m. in the Middle School Library. Parent attendance is critical to continue this program.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
Yearbooks for the 2022-23 school year will be available for sale for $55 at the home football game tomorrow night. Cash or check is accepted.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
Middle School football pictures were given to student athletes today -- be on the look out for them to bring them home!!!
over 1 year ago, Carrie Tucker
Congratulations to the new high school student body officers. Elected by the student body, Miranda Ducharme - President, Melanie Ortiz - Vice President and Emily Faulkenberry - Secretary/Treasurer.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
Student Body
Elementary would love to share "Goodies with Grandparents" on Monday, September 11, from 8:00 -8:30 am. Come enjoy a small snack as you visit your grandchild's classroom. Hope to see you here!
over 1 year ago, Dana McMillin
Congratulations to Roberta Morgan, Marietta High School Secretary, for being nominated for High School August Star Educator. Mrs. Morgan has previously served as the elementary secretary for eight years and recently transitioned to the high school.
over 1 year ago, Marietta Public Schools
STAR Educator