Ag Auction

After COVID-19 and resultant restrictions prohibited the Marietta FFA Chapter from holding it’s annual fundraising auction in 2020 and 2021, they really didn’t know what to expect.

“This is the first auction we have been able to have since 2018,” said FFA Advisor Josh Bazor. “We’ve always had good support, but when people get out of the habit of doing things, you never know what will happen.”

Turns out they didn’t need to worry. They had 43 registered buyers and over 120 people in attendance.

“Our auction was a huge success,” Bazor remarked. “We raised over $11,000 and we are so grateful for all those who came out and supported the Marietta FFA chapter.”

Included in the sale were student projects, baked goods, surplus shop equipment, and six FFA officers for eight hours of labor.  Buyers bid on projects like livestock feeders, fire pits, receiver hitches, a hunting box blind, a picnic table, and a trailer, all built by students.

Funds raised will be used to help defray expenses for camps, conferences, scholarships, and to purchase materials for future ag mechanic projects, something that, after back-to-back state championships, is a big deal for the chapter.

“We are very thankful for the community’s support for our program,” Bazor said. “Without this auction, we wouldn’t have the avenue to sell our projects, which gives us the means to allow our students to be creative and construct projects that fits them.”

The next sale is scheduled for 2024.