To thank and honor the approximately 2,700 individuals who currently serve as board of
education members throughout Oklahoma, January has been designated as School
Board Recognition Month, and each year at the January Board of Education meeting,
those who serve as board members for Marietta Public Schools are honored for their
The goal of School Board Recognition Month is to help build community awareness and
understanding about the important role of a board member. Their commitment to public
service influences the lives of students, both present and future, the working
environment of educators, and the quality of services provided by local schools.
While some of Marietta’s board members have served shorter lengths of time, many
have dedicated years of their lives. The observance of School Board Recognition Month
offers the public the opportunity to acknowledge and encourage school board members
for their work on behalf of the county’s schools, students, and teachers.
Serving on Marietta’s Board of Education are President Judy Sanchez-Fernandez, who
has been a board member since 2018; Vice President Jonathon Willis, a member since
2020; Clerk Denice Halstied, a board member since 2021; Allen Woody, the longest-
tenured member of MPS’s board of education – since 2012; and Brett Harris, elected
only last year to serve on the board.
Of the five board members, Halstied, Sanchez-Fernandez, and Willis are graduates of
Marietta High School.
“I believe it is important to serve on the school board to ensure that students, as well as
their parents and teachers, have an advocate to speak on their behalf,” said Halstied.
“My service affords me an active role in developing policies and procedures that protect
all students and employees of the district. As an alumnus, I wanted to serve my
community from an unbiased vantage point.”
Serving as a member of a local school board can be difficult, as board members are
required to make tough, sometimes unpopular decisions. It can often be a thankless
task, yet members voluntarily tackle the enormous job of governing school districts.
“School board members play a vital role in the school district and community,” said
Superintendent Brandi Naylor. “Our board in particular is very forward-thinking, loyal to
our district and community, and they have a heart for kids and educators. They believe
in accountability and embrace the complex and important role they serve. Our district is
incredibly thankful for their service.”