When the spring semester of the 2022-23 year wound down, teachers and students were hopeful that they would begin the next year in their beautiful new facility, but that isn’t going to be the case.
At the July board meeting, visitors from the construction company told board members and administrators that moving into the facility before the 2023-24 year was a no-go, citing delays resulting from weather and material/supply chains.
“There’s a remote chance that parts of the north high school wing will be complete right as the school year starts,” said Superintendent Brandi Naylor, “but we’ve made the decision to waiting and move in all at once instead of moving some parts in August and others later on.”
Because the district had already hired new teachers to account for the ever-expanding student population, the construction company will be providing two portable classrooms to accommodate them. Those rooms will be located in a building that will sit between the Ag building and the administration building.
“Once we have a more solid timeline for the finish date, we will make formal moving plans,” explained Naylor. “We know this is not ideal, but our teachers and staff members were aware that this delay was possible, and they planned accordingly. We are all disappointed, but it is out of our control. All we can do at this point is wait patiently. The waiting will be worth it when we move in.”